A Sign of Things to Come

The Oving Cow Shed is taking shape!

It’s drawing closer – the Oving Cow Shed is taking shape

If you’ve been keeping an eye on the Oving Cow Shed of late, you may have seen some exciting activity. After a bit of a delay, the site of our first milk vending outlet has been home to some busy bees in the last few weeks with electrics, lighting, networking, flooring and signage all being fitted. It’s beginning to look rather splendid, even if we do say so ourselves.

The next big arrival will be the vending machines themselves, which are on the road as we post this, so within a week we are hoping to have most, if not all, of the kit in situ. But hold your horses, there’s still just a little bit more work required before we can throw the doors open to you good people. So, hold tight for further announcements on the official launch date – but it is coming – we promise!

Elsewhere, the work is cracking on apace down on the farm. Previously all our milk has been stored in the same way as other dairy farms, as we sell the majority in bulk to our diary co-operative. They then manage the pasteurisation process and all the other elements required to get it onto shelves and into fridges. So we’re having to put in some clever kit that allows us to draw down small batches of milk from our bulk tanks and pasteurise it locally, ready for use in the milk vending machines. The clean room is ready and the batch pasteuriser has just been delivered. Once it’s all connected up and tested, we can ask the lovely people down at Environmental Health to come and check us out and also get our first batches certified. We will then be just days away from hitting the big green GO! button.

We’re all super excited and we will continue to keep you up to date via the website and socials. In the meantime, here are some pics of the Oving Cow Shed, looking resplendent in its new livery.